launched at first light...once again...foggy...the strategy...
hunt fer the diabolical beasts...the elusive halibut...
paddled out to the giggle bait in the usual spot???
paddled to a deeper giggle weed ledge...eureka!!! baits galore!!!
loaded up on some jack mackerel...
just then??? had to take a double take...even mikey grabbed some bait...
which is unheard of...

remember...carson is not a mere mortal...he is...a god...
neither the nature...nor the existence of carson...nor the
ultimate character of the possibly knowable...
so...there we were...two fools...drinkin’ “nectar of the gods”
‘n’ huntin’ fer butts...slicing ‘n’ dicing through the giggle weeds...
leaving no ledge thing about fishin’ the
giggle weeds...hell ‘n’ damnation snags...all day long!!!
while my bait danced the watoosie...i grabbed my heavy-er plastics
rod...loaded with 30lb test (loaded fer bear you might say)...
‘n’ proceeded to cast out...then...bounce the white scampy back...
basically...lifting the rod to 1 o’clock...waiting to feel the thud of
the scampy hittin’ the bottom...reel in the slack while lowering
the rod to sea level...repeat...
on about the third cast ‘n’ the third bounce...while simultaneously
lowering the rod ‘n’ reelin’ in the slack...wammo!!! swing!!! kaboom!!!
the rocket ship was launched!!!
the rat bastard started peelin’ line...zig-zaggin'...mid column...
head shakin’...seemingly unstoppable!!! the idiot crew members
in my head shout “white sea bass, you’ve hooked one!”
i scream out to mikey “i think i’ve got a WSB!”...
of course mikey’s reply “bbbhahahahaha, you’re an idiot!”...
doh!!! i am an idiot...the drag on my reel was set much softer
for the diabolical halibeasts...unlike super tight drag fer wsb...
turned out to be a nice butt...fooled (metric for i’m a moron)...
since i forgot about the loose drag “n” she was fighting
more like a freight training ghost...
no hits on the bait...but the scampy came through with flying colors...